
In the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare there are many key relationships driven by conflict. One of the main ones is Romeo and Juliet’s relationship.

At the start, the Montagues and Capulets have a brawl, this ends in a big feud between the two families. Romeo and Juliet’s families are feuding and mean they have to keep their relationship a secret. Examples of this are when they decide to marry secretly and also when Romeo runs back to the Capulet’s party to find Juliet.

Romeo’s decision to marry Juliet was heavily driven by conflict. They did it as secret as they could because of the haste and conflict between their two families and if the capulets found out they would kill Romeo. This proves how much Romeo loves Juliet when he says

“if thy bent of love be honorable thy purpose marriage, send me world tomorrow”  

But Juliet also says “If they do see thee, They will murder thee,” I think that they didn’t have to get married and risk their lives just for the sake of marriage. And they could have just been in a secret relationship. They shouldn’t have got married because it wasn’t worth the risk and since their families (Montagues and Capulets) are feuding he could have been killed if the Capulets found out. Also when they meet at the party it was instant and they didn’t even know each other it was like love at first sight and, They didn’t even know each other and days later they get married and it’s all a secret, Both of their families have no clue whats going on 

Romeo and Juliet met at the party. When they first locked eyes and when they had their first secret kiss, What Romeo didn’t know was that Juliet was a capulet and he was a Montague

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